Competition is fierce. Business is global. In today's marketplace, organizations need to take advantage of every strategic opportunity that is presented or they run the risk of perpetually following the competition's lead.
Identifying and developing a competent and committed workforce; monitoring business practices of competitors and proactively acting on such information; accessing documented and reliable compensation information to ensure that your key employees are being adequately rewarded and will not be enticed by competitors. These are a few examples of the strategic opportunities currently presented by the Sidick-Meyer Group.
Offering services that will give companies a competitive edge, partners of the Sidick-Meyer Group have over 20 years of combined experience in conducting extensive corporate research activities and recruitment functions. Utilizing tools of technology, innovative methodology, and an extensive network of contacts, the Sidick-Meyer Group excels in activities that require the collection of detailed and confidential information.
The Sidick-Meyer Group can help your company. Whether the need is filling an important managerial, administrative, sales or executive level position, obtaining information on competitors, or performing typically outsourced human resources functions, the Sidick-Meyer Group is capable of enhancing your operations.