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Human Resource Services

Job Analysis & Employee Assessment

In addition to corporate research and recruiting services, the Sidick-Meyer Group also offers job analysis and employment assessment services in order to ensure that your organization is hiring the absolute best candidates. While these services are a natural extension to the recruitment services offered by our company, they are also invaluable tools that can be used on a stand-alone basis. The Sidick-Meyer Group is affiliated with professionals in the industrial-organizational psychology discipline who will facilitate these services.

Advantages of job analysis and employment assessment

  • Helps to ensure unbiased selection process by having interviews and other assessments developed/identified by third party.
  • Helps to ensure validity of selection instruments used in the hiring process.
  • Helps to ensure selected candidate meets needs of the organization both in management skills and technical skills.
  • Reduces the possibility of candidates being asked inappropriate questions that may be illegal.
  • Ensures that selection assessments meet professional standards identified through case law and various legislation (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Age Discrimination Act, etc.).

Job analysis will clarify the requirements of a given position, or group of similar positions, and identify the necessary skills required to perform successfully. Essential functions and physical requirements are also identified which are extremely important to ensuring that the organization is in compliance with ADA mandates and other legislative requirements. The documentation provided from job analysis results, when linked to the selection assessments used to hire, can provide extensive evidence to support content validation. Job analysis is recommended for positions/client organizations that have a history of litigation threats from applicants. It will also be recommended if the client organization has no formal job documentation (i.e., a job description). As a best practice, job analysis should be conducted every time an assessment is developed but often this is not feasible.

A full-scale job analysis can be conducted using electronic forms that are sent/received via email to reduce the impact on the work of those client employees involved. Customarily, a telephone interview may be conducted with one or more of the job analysis participants to ensure that all relevant information is collected.

Results of a job analysis can serve many useful purposes. The job analysis will identify the most important facets of a job and create a map for development of selection assessments. After the assessments are developed the job analysis will serve as content validation evidence in the event that the hiring practices of the organization are contested. Job analysis results can also be readily converted to a useable job description. Salary research may also be conducted in a more targeted approach by pulling key components of the job from the job analysis and focusing salary research efforts on those items. Finally, job analysis can allow an organization to create detailed training programs that pinpoint the important facets of a job.